
Events & Announcements

Due to the winter weather and frigid temperatures, USD 501 will be closed tomorrow. Please consider the church office to be closed Wednesday February 19, 2025. Phone messages will be checked and returned when we come back to the office. If you have an emergent need, please consider contacting that individual directly. Stay safe and warm!

If weather conditions warrant the cancellation of worship services, you will be notified via email, Facebook, and on the TV stations hopefully by 10PM Saturday evening. If weather happens overnight, it will be posted to these outlets by 7AM Sunday morning. On days that USD 501 closes school, please consider the church office to be closed as well. In those instances, if you have a need that requires immediate attention, please contact the person you need to speak with directly. Church email will still be checked regularly, and phone messages will not be checked until someone returns to the office.

February 2025 Calendar

February – Loose Coin: Doorstep – Doorstep is an agency in Topeka that helps our neighbors survive crises, improve their way of life and become self-sufficient. Some of the many programs and services offered are: Money for rent Food and Clothing Transportation Utilities Services Crisis Intervention Potwin Church has been a part of Doorstep since its inception.  Please help us feed and clothe those in need through this respected agency.

Every Tuesday: Bell Choir rehearsal 6:00PM. We have a couple of openings. Please see Gwen Jones if you are interested in joining and sharing your talent with us!

Sunday February 2nd – Communion Sunday. We are looking for a Communion Server. Please contact Libby Adams or the church office if you would like to help.

Friday February 14th – Valentine’s Day

Monday February 19th – President’s Day

Sunday February 23rd – Coffee House Church downstairs in Fellowship Hall 10:00AM. This is a potluck style gathering. Please bring your favorite breakfast or brunch treats to share. All are welcome!!

***Please see the Potwin Presbyterian Church Sunday schedule listed below.***



SUNDAY SCHOOL – If you are interested in your child attending Sunday School, please contact the church office so arrangements can be made. Older youth, grades 6-12, are partnering with our friends at First Presbyterian Church Topeka. We are also invited to participate in the Ecumenical Bible study with Pastor Ivan at West Side Baptist Church on Wednesdays at 10:30AM and/or 6:00PM. Please click the following link to check our “Learning Together” tab for more Sunday School details. Learning Together – Potwin Presbyterian Church